laboratory services
Our Drugs of Abuse Testing division has many years’ experience assisting major employers, School Districts, Criminal Justice and Drug Court entities throughout the United States. Our laboratory staff is dedicated to providing you with reliable results when you need them.
Delivering QUAlity Service & Exceptional Results
Our laboratory is operated with professional employees who have many years of experience offering Quality Service & Exceptional Results. The lab has incorporated a process of extensive quality control per SAMHSA and private industry guidelines. While other laboratories offer services of toxicology and clinical tests, our contract laboratory is focused on drug testing. Our organization provides superior service and quality products with competitive prices.

We provide overnight transportation of specimens to the laboratory at no additional charge. Customized account set-up and reporting is established for each work location. The customer service, account set-up, and supply distribution departments are available toll free to assist with your needs. Our professional staff is available for result interpretation as well as to aid in designing your program. Germaine Laboratories, Inc. can offer comprehensive substance abuse program services, such as random selection, medical review of results, drug screen panel customization, and specimen collection around the nation.

Over 80% of the negative results are reported before 8:00 am CST. All negative results are reported before 1:00 pm CST. Generally, one third of the positive results are reported by 3:00 pm on the same day.
Drug Screen Panel Customization
We offer customized drug screen panels, including special cut-off levels. Ecstasy (MDMA) testing is provided on non-DOT samples at no additional charge as part of our amphetamine screen. Hydrocodone (Diluadid) and Hydromorphone (Vicodin) testing is provided at no additional charge on all non-DOT samples with the opiate screening level set at the 300 Ng/ml cutoff. We have created a special panel specifically for the new government-approved school testing. It encompasses the standard 10-panel drug screen, including the drugs listed above along with Nicotine (Cotinine) and the highly dangerous Oxycontin (Oxycodone). Adulteration panels are available.
Federal Certification (SAMHSA)
In 1989, the US government began a strict certification program for laboratories that process drug tests performed for the federal government. Our contract laboratory was awarded the SAMHSA certification by the Department of Health and Human Services on March, 26 1999. The laboratory maintains this certification and is re-inspected semi-annually to ensure all processes and procedures are performed properly. The laboratory also holds all the necessary state licenses and accreditations.
Contact Us
If you have questions about our products or need technical support, please reach out to us by calling (800) 854-8446 or filling out the form.